Saturday, December 27, 2008

Well, I'm not on top of it

Not blogging every day, by god, but here I am making an effort.
Today was a day of wasting time and pooping around. I had a goal of dropping some books off at the library and hitting the REI clearance sale. Ross decided to come along as long as the trip would include coffee and a book store. The trip ended up including HOM furniture, IKEA, Borders, Southdale.... argh! Too many people! Too many shoppers!

We hit IKEA because we've had thoughts of upgrading to a queen size bed someday. Of course we walked out of there with several other items and not a queen size bed. Hit Southdale because Ross wanted to get Mille Bourne for Billy, and of course the game store didn't have it. So instead I bought a pair of jeans at the Gap. Ha ha.

The lesson is: buy everything online.

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