Sunday, December 21, 2008

hangin' out, making beer

Wow. I look tired. Perhaps because I climbed for 3.5 hours, then walked the dog in the cold.

Ross, on the other hand, looks perky.

The beautiful stream of liquid malt extract flowing into our beer... not yet beer.

I get artsy with the malt extract. "Work with me! That's it!"

Cold snowy weekend, but we're tough. We're Minnesotan. We shovelled and trekked through the snow and didn't let it stop us. This morning I drove to the climbing gym and had a scary interlude in which people in front of me on the highway were spinning out and I honestly feared for a moment that I would hit the car in front of me. But that moment passed.

Now we make beer. I am weary and already tired of making beer, but you can't really stop once you've started. I can tell I will sleep well tonight.

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