Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wow, summer

It passes. The evenings grow dark, sooner. When I walked Toad around the block after work tonight there were tiny baby toads all over the neighborhood; some combination of the rain, the season, the toads themselves... The annuals in the garden are blooming in the way that is hard to imagine at the beginning of summer. Prolific as all getout.

Katie and I climbed at Taylors Falls last weekend, and Katie did her first trad lead! I almost got stung by a wasp. We both got hissed at by a bat. I led Inside Corner (5.8) and felt really strong and in control. We both toproped Batman (5.10) and we both hung at the crux.

Ross has been making constant progress with the Jag sedan, but now he's thinking about other cars since he has probably sold his Miata to Randy. Toad needs a bath, badly. I have pre-ordered the 4th Season of Doctor Who (available November 18) and can hardly wait.

Not enjoying work; some days are better than others. Sometimes I think I should just be profoundly grateful that I have a wonderful, well-paying job. Other days it kills me a little.

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