Thursday, June 26, 2008

Photos from New York

In the subway - look at my frickin' grey hair! Should I color it? Get it cut? What? Love it?

Our feet in the subway. I stuck mine out just to get in the photo.

Looking south as the rain comes our way. Walking east to a restaurant.

Noah and Holly at the Gunks.

Ah, the beautiful beautiful Gunks.

I've started to load the photos into flickr - click on my link to get to my flickr page - but I haven't done all of 'em yet because there are so many and I was having technical difficulties. I'd like to upload smaller files (they're quite big thanks to my 7.1 mp camera) so I think I'm going to create a photoshop script to save 'em as smaller files... It all takes time. Anyway, there are some up and I'll post a few here too.

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