Thursday, February 12, 2009

El Potrero Chico, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

OK. So here it is; a brief synopsis. Got here. Culture shock. Got used to it. Started using some rudimentary Spanish. Got on the rock. Loved the rock. Went to sleep. Got up and hiked up a canyon and got on lots more rock, and loved it more more more. Took pictures. Drank beer. Ate breakfast burritos. Climbed more rock. Knee hurt. Knee got better. Went to sleep. Ate, drank coffee. Climbed all day long. Had dinner. Climbed in the dark. Slept the sleep of the dead. Woke up late, had breakfast, hiked long and hard, climbed long and hard. Now sitting typing on Jeff's computer, at a table with Aaron, Steph, Amanda, Jeff, Adrian, Shawn, Katie, Glenn (already left), and me. Tomorrow a lot more climbing. Margaritas, maybe some slacklining. The next day... the last day of climbing!!!!! Argh!

1 comment:

Maia LeDoux said...

wow. so happy you are having fun. miss you. lovem