Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I found it

Today I found it. Someone wrote what I wanted to say about Daniel Craig, capturing the nuance and cultural implications that I wanted to get at, but failed to achieve in my previous postings. I have a certain writer's remorse, or embarassment, or just plain disgust with myself and my inability to nail down that certain POV. I have, at times in my life, pretended to be a writer. I have loads of writings that may or may not have any actual virtue. Maybe it is enough that they have virtue for me. That they have been, at times, so precious to me and so meaningful.

Anyway. That was all a digression about how I felt when I discovered this:

"The frame of the movie where he emerges from the sea in those clinging trunks is so scorchingly hot I feel embarrassed watching it, even when alone. It has been used as the key piece of pre-publicity on the movie, and with good reason. Good film directors recognise gold dust when they see it. This is the kind of image that even straight men can't peel their eyes from."

And now, some evidence that there are people far more obsessed than I am. Here is a link to an article on, about how to affordably reproduce all the outfits he wears in the movie.

Actually that site has loads of fascinating stuff. For someone who is obsessed, that is. Hey, there's nothing wrong with a little obsession. Get off my back. I am not lost in a fantasy world!

I love that there ARE fantasy worlds to get lost in, is my deal. I am a geek, utterly and completely, have always been, and love being a geek. And part of that is revelling in geekly obsessions such as this.

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